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Thursday's event was yet another great Fun Seekers outing. We had 13 ladies come out to enjoy lunch at T.G.I. Fridays and a movie. They saw The Great Gatsby, playing at the Mall of Georgia, a short hop off of I985, in Buford. The overall consensus was they liked the 1974 version, with Robert Redford and Mia Ferrow, better. Interesting to note that the first version ( See photo 12 ), a silent film, was made in 1926 a year after the F. Scott Fitsgerald book was published; another version was made in 1949.

After the movie, one group of Funsters even decided to squeeze in a shopping spree at Costco ( Have I mentioned that these women love to shop? ). They sure had a full day of fun! How full you ask? Well...the shopping Funsters met Joanne on Paradise Valley Road, just as she was returning after a full work day. And..of course it took even longer to unload all the Costco goodies.