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Likely the last thing Jan Timoteo expected as she headed out with husband Tim for a delicious dinner with Port Saint Lucie friends celebrating a Birthday at Tutto Fresco, was an invasion from Paradise. But.. That's exactly what happened. Shocked would be an understatement and it took quite awhile to get things settled down. Smiling neighbor tables joined in singing a rousing Happy Birthday, following a delicious Italian feast and lots of traditional red wine. As the evening wound down and goodbyes were said, the invaders were off to retrieve hidden cars and head to the Timoeto lair for a night cap and gifts. After further celebration and a special presentation of  an "Assisted Living" brochure documenting Jan's living-the-good-life, our PVCers called it a night, as tomorrow was to be, ... " another day".

Nine AM Sunday morning found our Birthday band in Stuart, Florida, visiting Tim's newly opened Berry Fresh Cafe and continuing the Celebration. What a feast! (It really helps to have the owner at your table...) Over second and third cups of coffee our PVCers exchanged travel plans, enjoyed a last round of hugs and headed for the open road with thoughts that this Birthday Celebration had been a big surprise and a rousing success!