This web site, pvc4u.net, is authored,
owned and
published by John Coons. John
was aided in these efforts by his late wife Lanell. John
owned in Paradise from 2001 to 2022, and had been
in the area
since 1998. He was active in Campground
affairs and activities over these years. He
moved to Backwater Landing, on Lake Keowee in S.C. in 2022, and
retains his Eustis, FL primary home.
John Coons
PO Box # 729
West Union, SC 29696
352-973-8781 cell
Sometimes I am out so if you don't get the expected
answer, leave a message. I do my best but Email
is not always monitored every day. I look forward to hearing from you !
John has written extensively about all aspects of
property for RVs. Visit here
to read about, picking a lot, improving a lot or
deciding on a suitable RV Park anywhere. Other
topics including cost considerations, various
legal forms of ownership, compatibility with other
owners and how to buy and sell are addressed. It's
all about owned land for use with your RV... Enjoy
! Learn !
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